BACR specializes in waterproofing, with specific expertise in traffic surface membrane systems and expansion/control joint details.

Our waterproofing services include:

  • Surface and Penetrating Sealers: Installations designed to protect and preserve the characteristics of durable concrete surfaces are available with a wide range of film forming and surface penetrating sealers.
  • Traffic Bearing Waterproofing Systems: Designed systems are cold, liquid applied deck coating membranes with integral skid resistant traffic toppings. They are designed for use under direct exposure to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic while protecting the concrete deck surface from water and/or chloride penetration.
  • Epoxy Flooring Systems: Designed systems are cold, liquid applied epoxy resins with a variety of aggregates to provide traction and wear resistance to concrete floors as well as decorative flooring systems with colored acrylic or quarts media.
  • Control Joint Sealants: Single and multi-component urethanes, silicones, and sealants for engineered joint systems.
  • Expansion Joint Systems: Specifically designed expansion joint sealing systems are selected and installed for vertical and horizontal installations for every building type.
  • Split-slab Waterproofing Systems: Waterproofing systems and drainage composites are used in positive-side waterproofing applications over concrete surfaces. They are used in new construction and retrofit applications. Typical applications include foundation walls, tunnels, and split slab construction, such as plaza areas and parking decks. Interior uses include mechanical rooms, laboratories and kitchens.
  • Epoxy Injection Repairs: Structural restoration of concrete by epoxy injection is a very effective system for welding cracks back together. This welding restores the original strength and loading originally designed into the concrete. Epoxy injection restores the structural qualities the concrete design intended and is often the only alternative to complete replacement.
  • Urethane Foam Waterproofing Repairs: Crack injection utilizing urethane foam to create a flexible water tight seal.
43 Years in Business icon 43 Years in Business
0.67 Safety EMR Rating icon 0.67 Safety EMR Rating
225 on ENR's Top 400 icon 225 on ENR's Top 400
80% Repeat Clients icon 80% Repeat Clients
7 States Worked In icon 7 States Worked In
1500 Average Cubic Yards of Concrete Poured per Year icon 1500 Average Cubic Yards of Concrete Poured per Year